Carnival Kitchen
So you’ve come home from a Carnival cruise with stories to tell, photos to share, maybe a suntan… but how about upgraded BBQ skills? New sushi-rolling abilities? Or maybe you’re suddenly whipping up Thai meals, from soups to satays and beyond. You could act like it’s your natural talent — but we’d really prefer you tell folks how much fun you had at Carnival Kitchen!
Everybody knows how delicious Carnival cruises are, so we’re getting our culinary pros to share some of their secrets with you. Classes are small, seats are limited — save yours now — but the flavor possibilities are endless, with hands-on instruction in over a dozen culinary disciplines. And for a look (and taste) of how a culinary legend whips up some wows in the kitchen, there’s even a class curated by Emeril Lagasse! Learn your way through three courses of the signature dishes he’s known for, on land and at sea.
So the next time you cruise, will you be coming home a cupcake master? The tailgate-party hero who takes things way beyond chips and dip? A brunch ninja making it all look pretty easy — because with a little planning, it actually is! Have a deliciously fun time onboard… and take some skills to-go.
The Details
Age Range: | Fun for All |
Cost: |