Legal Notice

Statement Pursuant to Modern Slavery Act 2015

Carnival Corporation & plc is the world’s largest leisure travel company and provides travelers around the globe with extraordinary vacations at an exceptional value. The company’s portfolio of global cruise line brands includes brands in the United States, Europe, Asia and Australia, and our ships visit more than 700 ports around the world. These ships are home to over tens of thousands of shipboard employees who come from various countries around the world.

The United Kingdom’s Modern Slavery Act 2015 requires companies like ours to disclose information regarding their efforts to combat slavery and human trafficking in their supply chain and within their business. We take this responsibility very seriously and are proud of the measures we have taken in this regard.

This statement has been approved by our Boards of Directors and sets out the steps that we have taken during the previous fiscal year to combat slavery and human trafficking within the internal operations of our company or the suppliers, vendors and other companies we partner with around the world.

Our employees are subject to and are expected to follow our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, which requires employees to act “with the utmost integrity when dealing with fellow employees, guests, global communities, government agencies, vendors, contractors, service providers, agents and other business partners.” Our Code explicitly condemns all forms of child exploitation and forced labor and states our intent to comply with and support laws and regulations relevant to slavery and human trafficking.

All of our employees are required to complete ethics training courses to help them understand the company’s expectations and the importance of conducting business in an ethical and responsible manner. This training is required for new employees and is refreshed at regular intervals to promote continued attention and focus on these issues. Employees who fail to meet our expectations are subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.

Similarly, we expect our business partners to respect and follow applicable laws and regulations and to promote ethical decisions in all aspects of their business. These requirements are documented in our Business Partner Code of Conduct and Ethics, which specifically prohibits the use of slavery and human trafficking in our direct supply chain. This requirement is communicated to business partners through online supplier portals, in contracts, in our standard terms and conditions and as part of our standard due diligence procedures.

Our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and Business Partner Code of Conduct and Ethics are available here.

We apply risk-based due diligence to our relationships with business partners. We decline to enter or continue business with any business partners who fail to complete the required due diligence requirements or who fail to meet our standards.

Employees and business partners are actively encouraged to raise and report any issues of concern to their local management team, our Compliance Department or anonymously through our hotline. All reports are reviewed, and investigations and corrective (or other) action are applied when appropriate.

The above processes are reviewed and updated on a regular basis to ensure that they are appropriate to our industry and business and that they remain effective.